What happens if your pet outlives you?
Have you made arrangements for someone to take your pet if something happens to you?
Many people say “Oh, my family members, (wife, husband, children, partner, etc.) will care for my cat/dog/rabbit/bird.” Unfortunately, even though this assumed, it is not the case. More and more we witness animals surrendered to shelters when their owner passes away. These pets are older and petrified. Most have known only one family and one home. They are terrified by their strange surroundings, cages, animals and people. More often than not they are euthanized because no one wants to foster/adopt older animals.
To learn more about your options/wishes for your furry friends, watch this video: http://bit.ly/3b5VqMq.
You can learn more about Pet Safe Pet Trust through Charleston Animal Society, https://www.charlestonanimalsociety.org/planned-giving and Animal Care Trust USA (ACT) at: https://www.animalcaretrustusa.org/. The founder of ACT, Peggy Hoyt has also written a book “All My Children Wear Fur Coats” and can be purchased on Amazon.
The old cat pictured below was very lucky, will yours?